Music Symposium Call for Papers Announced

Minneapolis, Minnesota – The International Society for Orthodox Church Music (ISOCM) is pleased to announce the call for papers for its second regional symposium in North America, with the theme “Orthodox Liturgical Music: Ancient and Modern Creativity,” which will be held at St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 20-24 June 2018.
“For this symposium, we have chosen a theme that allows us to reflect on our received musical traditions while also considering the future,” said Father Ivan Moody, ISOCM board chairman. “We hope the presentations at the symposium will stimulate wonderful discussion and motivation for greater collaboration among those who participate in the music of the Orthodox Church in the English-speaking world and beyond.”
The organizers are excited by the interest already shown by those who attended the 2016 symposium organized by the ISOCM, and hope new friends and colleagues will also make plans to come to Minneapolis in 2018. “ISOCM gatherings reflect the diversity of national traditions across Orthodoxy,” Father Ivan said, “while at the same time celebrating our common liturgical and theological Faith, which is fulfilling not only spiritually, musically, and intellectually, but socially.”
The conference theme provides an opportunity for papers on a variety of topics and areas of experience and interest, including but not limited to:
How does the past influence the present in today’s practice?
What opportunities for creativity do past musical/hymnographical forms present in our liturgical music today?
How do current technologies enable new means of creativity?
What is the place, if any, of compositions and hymns that are no longer in use?
Music for liturgical rites and services no longer in use.
Ethnomusicological approaches to music in liturgy.
Case studies of liturgical traditions in particular places.
Case studies of composers and their work for the liturgy.
Free papers.
All symposium sessions will take place at St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attendees will also have opportunities to sing during liturgical services, participate in workshops and practica, attend a panel discussion on the future of Orthodox music in North America, and enjoy fellowship with other directors, composers, singers, chanters, musicians, and musicologists.
Submitting a paper
Symposium Details
The language of the conference will be English.
Deadline for Abstract submissions is Friday, December 1, 2017
Registration will open on Monday, November 6, 2017
For additional information, please contact the Abstract Review Committee.
Visit for the latest information about the 2018 Symposium.