Schedule for Prague Conference Finalized
The schedule for the ISOCM's Ars Nova East and West conference which will be held in Prague, 14 – 16 October 2016 has been announced and is now available.

All events of the conference will take place at the Charles University in Prague.
Friday, 14th October 10:00 Opening ceremony
Opening addresses Very Rev. Dr Ivan Moody, Chairman of ISOCM prof. PaedDr. Michal Nedělka, Dr, Dean
Doc. Jana Palkovská, Head of Department – Music Education Department
His Eminence, Archbishop Michal of Prague
11:00. First Session Gregorios Anastasiou & Polykarpos Polykarpides A short study on the compositions of the ‘mathema’ Anothen oi prophetai, from the “golden age” of kalophonia (14th -15th centuries) as food for thought on the concepts of eponymity, tradition and innovation in Byzantine Music
Athanasios Delios Χριστοῦ τὸν ἱεράρχην: the course of the sticheron from the old (non kalophonic) to the kalophonic melos
13:00 Second Session Study Group for Byzantine Musical Palaeography from the School of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 'Traditional innovation’ in Byzantine Chant: the case of kalophonia
Dimitris Balageorgos The Cretan psaltic tradition of 16th - 17th century: a radical and prototype melopoiea of the Great Doxology
Mena Mark Hanna Coptic Chant: Questions of Consistency and Constancy in an Oral Tradition
15:30 Third session
Jopi Harri How were stichera sung in Valaam?
Victoria Legkikh Services to St Daniel of Moscow: Tradition and a new way of creation
Mária Prokipčáková Irmologia - an innovative means of the transmission of liturgical music in the Carpathian area
Ionuț Gabriel Nastasă Tradition and innovation in Romanian Orthodox chant - "Our Father"
19:30 Concert Ars Nova East and West A dialogue between works by the main representative composers of Ars Nova in the East and West – Guillaume de Machaut, St John Koukouzelis and others.
Ensemble Polyfonion, artistic director Igor Angelov Philokallia ensemble (female voices), artistic director Marios Christou Soloist: Protopsaltis Grigoris Anastasiou
The concert will also present premieres of works by contemporary composers Alkis Baltas and Ivan Moody
Church of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Resslova 9a, Prague 2
Saturday, 15th October 9:30 Fourth Session
Marina Luptáková Tradition and Traditions in Iconography
Christopher Ashbaugh Joy, Catharsis, and (Eu)Catastrophe
Sara Peno and Zdravko Peno Church Music between Tradition and Innovation: A Study in Canon and Creativity
Marios Christou A Newly discovered manuscript of Bohuslav Martinů on the Byzantine Octoechos
13:00 Fifth Session
Vasileios Salteris Innovation within the Sticherarion during the post-Byzantine era: The contribution of George Prasinos
Flora Kritikou The compositions entitled “dysikon” (Western) and “fragikon” (Frankish): a working hypothesis on potential convergence points of two different traditions
Michael Stroumpakis The Heirmos of the Ninth Ode instead of Axion estin: A new (?) kind of composition during the 19th century.
Thomas Apostolopoulos The theory of musical intervals in the era of the Byzantine maistores
15:30 Sixth session
Ivan Moody New art and renewed art
Alexandre Damnianovitch The composition Nativity by Alexandre Damnianovicvh
Bogdan Djaković The cotrelation of Western and Eastern elements in Serbian Church Choral Music of the first half of the 20th century
Predrag Djoković Hints of the instrumental music in some sticheras of Serbian Church Chant
Sunday, 16th October
9:30 Divine Liturgy
11:30 Reception
13:00 seventh Session
Khatuna Managadze St Andrew of Crete’s Canon of Repentance and Georgian mediaeval aesthetics and philosophy
Tamar Ckheidze Florid chanting in Georgian liturgical tradition and some parallels with Byzantine Kalophonic style
Eka Chabashvili Different aspects of chants by contemporary Georgian composers as revealed through variations in performance
Maka Virsaladze Nodar Mamisashvili's Passion as an example of mixing old and new elements in 20th-Century Georgian sacred music
15:30 Eighth session
Sevi Mazera Φως ιλαρόν: an early Christian hymn of the 4th century A.D. Various compositions to the text through the history of ecclesiastical chant and the new composition by Prof. Gregorios Stathis.
Irina Gerasimova Transmission and adaptation of the Greek Cherubic Hymn in the ecclesiastical chanting practice of the Kievan Metropolia and the Moscow Patriarchate at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries
Eugene Kindler Chant of chords, organized as homophony
Haig Utidjian Two documentary witnesses to interactions between the Armenian and Greek Orthodox Sacred Musical traditions: an Armenian contrafactum, and a through-composed Paschal Introit