Ninth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music:
“Church Music and Topography:
City, Village, and Monastery”
Online / 7–11 June 2021

The International Society for Orthodox Church Music is pleased to announce the Ninth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, exploring the theme of “Church Music and Topography: City, Village, and Monastery.”
The conference took place fully online, 7–11 June 2021.
See the full Conference Programme.
Abstract Book (pdf)
Watch recordings on the ISOCM YouTube channel:
Keynote presentations
Monday 7 June 2021
Tuesday 8 June 2021
Thursday 10 June 2021
Alexander Khalil: The Chanting of Rev. Hanna Sakkab: a musical topography of time
Wednesday 9 June 2021
John A. Graham: Georgian Chant
Liturgical services
Tuesday 8 June 2021
Vespers, Church of St John the Theologian, Joensuu (Finland)
Wednesday 9 June 2021
Vespers, Ascension of Our Lord Orthodox Church, Iași (Romania)
Friday 11 June 2021
Vespers, St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral, London (UK)
Monday 7 June 2021
Ilkka Heinonen and Vladimir Belov: Echoes of Karelian Saints
Contact: Tuuli Lukkala, ISOCM Secretary:
The International Society of Orthodox Church Music