Ninth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music:
“Church Music and Topography:
City, Village, and Monastery”
Virtual / 7–11 June 2021
The International Society of Orthodox Church Music

Virtual Coffee Breaks
Welcome to the Virtual Coffee Breaks of the 2021 ISOCM conference!
Virtual Coffee Breaks are an opportunity to meet and talk with other
conference participants more informally.
Virtual Coffee Breaks have their own Zoom link for joining.
Have your coffee ready and come to chat with others!
Monday 7 June 15.30–16.00 Time zone: EEST (UTC+3)
Tuesday 8 June 15.30–16.00
Wednesday 9 June 14.30–15.00
Thursday 10 June 15.30–16.00
Friday 7 June 15.30–16.00
General tips:
Please keep your camera on so we can all see each other.
With fewer people, microphones can also be kept on.
If many people are in the meeting at the same time, please keep your microphone off and unmute yourself any time you want to speak.
If it seems that the internet connection is not strong enough, we may ask you to turn off your video.
Consider using Gallery view to see many people at the same time.
In the Virtual Coffee Break, there are breakout rooms that you can use if you wish to talk with someone specifically or in a smaller group.
You can ask someone to meet you in a breakout room by sending them a private message in the chat.
You can see the breakout rooms and the people who are in them and you can join a room by yourself, if you are using the Zoom app instead of joining through your internet browser (make sure to update your app!).
See instructions for breakout rooms, section “Self-selecting a breakout room”.
If you cannot see Breakout Rooms in your meeting controls, you can ask a host or a co-host of the meeting to invite you to the room of your choice. You can do this by sending them a private message in the chat.
Virtual Coffee Breaks are the only place to announce you have a full ISOCM Conference Bingo row and to claim your prize.
ISOCM Conference Bingo
ISOCM Conference Bingo is a game that can be played during the conference week, 7–11 June 2021.
Each conference participant has their own, personal bingo card, received by e-mail before the conference.
How to play:
Circle each item on your bingo card that happens during the conference: in presentations, discussions, virtual coffee breaks, "Voices of ISOCM" video greetings, or any other conference event.
Complete a full row of 5 either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Announce your full row in the Virtual Coffee Break and claim your prize.
Have fun!